
Nasolabial FoldsCrow’s feet|Frown Lines/Worry Lines|Marionette Lines|Droopy/Loose Eyelids|Neck lines/wrinkles

Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial folds are the creases that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These folds become more pronounced with age due to the natural loss of skin elasticity and firmness. Deep nasolabial folds can contribute to an appearance of fatigue, severity, and emotional detachment.

  1. Bone Structure and Aging Effects
  2. Skin Sagging Due to Aging
  3. Effects of Facial Expressions
  4. Environmental Factors and Lifestyle Choices
  5. Sleeping Positions
  6. Rapid Weight Loss

1. Classification of Nasolabial Folds:

  • Concave Type: The angle formed by the fold is greater than 180°.
  • Straight Line Type: The angle formed by the fold is 180°.
  • Convex Type: The angle formed by the fold is less than 180°.

2. Severity of Nasolabial Folds:

  • Absent: No observable folds, only continuous skin lines.
  • Mild: Shallow folds with slight dents and fine wrinkles
  • Moderate: Deeper folds that are visible but disappear when the skin is stretched.
  • Severe: Very long, deep, and prominent folds, visible even when the skin is stretched.
  • Extreme: Extremely long and deep folds, with visible lines even when the skin is stretched (2-4 mm).
Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet those fine lines that extend from the corners of the eyes to the temples, are prominent indicators of aging on the face. They arise due to various factors, including diminished endocrine system function, reduced protein production, decreased activity of elastin fibers, collagen loss, and diminished skin elasticity. These factors contribute to the formation of lines around the corners of the eyes.

  1. Hormonal Changes:
  2. Dry/Dehydrated Skin:
  3. Loss of Elasticity:
  4. Loss of Collagen:
  5. Excessive Eye Muscle Use:
  6. Climate and Personal Factors:

As we age, the delicate skin around our eyes loses collagen, leading to the development of crow’s feet. Chronic contraction of the eyelid muscles contributes to the formation of these radial lines.

  1. Fine Lines:
  2. Dynamic Crow’s Feet:
  3. Static Crow’s Feet:
Marionette Lines
Marionette lines, extending from the corners of the mouth to the jawline, similar to nasolabial folds, marionette lines are common facial wrinkles. Deep marionette lines, often accompanied by arc-shaped depressions outside or below the mouth corners, can contribute to a tired and aged appearance.


  1. Repetitive Facial Movements
  2. Excessive Weight Loss/Collagen Loss
  3. Natural Facial Profile
  4. Bone Structure Changes


Marionette lines often coexist with fat pockets around the mouth and sagging skin at the corners of the mouth.

  1. Dynamic Marionette Lines
  2. Static Marionette Lines
Frown Lines/Worry Lines

Frown lines, also known as glabellar lines, develop from repetitive facial expressions and deepen with age due to decreased collagen and supportive tissue. These vertical lines between the eyebrows convey emotions such as worry, unease, and aging.

  1. Frown lines emerge with regular use of the frown muscles over time.
  2. Repeated contraction of the depressor muscles contributes to the development of frown lines.
  3. Reduced water content in the stratum corneum diminishes water retention and skin fat content, deepening frown lines.
  1. Frown lines, also known as worry lines, are vertical wrinkles that form between the eyebrows. They may appear as one, two, or three lines. These lines develop when we frown due to worry or concern.
  2. Frown lines can be categorized into static and dynamic lines. If left untreated initially, static frown lines may evolve into more stubborn dynamic lines.
Droopy/Loose Eyelids

Drooping eyelids occur as part of the aging process, attributed to the gradual loss of collagen, tissue, and skin elasticity. This loss results in diminished volume support within the skin.

  1. Inherited or Congenital Causes of Droopy Eyelids
  2. Drooping Upper Eyelids
  3. Age-Related Skin Drooping
  4. Excessive Fat Deposits in Upper Eyelids
  5. Overuse of Eyelid Tape or Rubbing Eyes
  6. Poor Sleeping Habits
Symptoms of drooping and sagging upper eyelids with wrinkles, triple or more eyelids, triangular eyes, excessive sunken eye, and eyes with a tired sensation indicate various conditions related to eyelid and eye appearance.
Neck lines/wrinkles

Neck wrinkles, appearing on the neck, result from the aging of epidermal cells and the loss of connective tissues in this area.

  1. Similar to the skin around our eyes, the neck skin is thinner and more delicate than the rest of the face. It also tends to be drier due to less sebum production, leading to wrinkle formation.
  2. Certain daily activities and postures can expedite wrinkle formation. Prolonged computer use, sleeping with a high pillow, and constant bending of the head downward while using mobile devices can fold the neck skin, promoting wrinkle development and deepening existing lines.
  3. Lack of sun protection exposes the neck skin to harmful UV radiation, accelerating photoaging and collagen breakdown, thus contributing to neck wrinkle formation.
  4. Collagen production begins to decline after the age of 25. Thinning and loosening of collagen and elastic fibers in the neck diminish skin elasticity, leading to sagging and wrinkles.
  5. Neglecting or improper skincare of the neck area can result in the formation of wrinkles due to the delicate nature of the skin.

Neck wrinkles can be categorized into two types: Horizontal neck wrinkles and Vertical dry neck wrinkles. The severity of neck wrinkles can be assessed using the following scale:

  1. Smooth skin
  2. None: No visible wrinkles. Continuous skin lines.
  3. Mild: Shallow visible wrinkles; slight indentation; fine lines on the face.
  4. Moderate: Moderately deep wrinkles; clearly visible wrinkles; wrinkles disappear when stretched.
  5. Severe: Deep and furrowed wrinkles with well-defined edges.
  6. Extreme: Very deep and furrowed wrinkles, accompanied by redundant skin folds

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The first step in anti-aging is not to focus on taking care of the skin, the layer of 2mm. There are several levels of anti-aging of the skin, from the outside to the inside are the epidermis, the dermis, the fat layer, the fascia layer, the muscle layer and the bones, from which you can see the 2mm layer of skin is not the most important, cause anti-aging,the first step is to strengthen the bones, followed by muscle development, then the fascia without inflammation, followed by fat full, and finally the skin is moisturized collagen-rich, so we are to help you from the inside out maintenance, we have Chinese herbs to tonify the liver and kidneys to strengthen the muscles and bones, and then there is the TriLift lifting to exercise the muscles, and finally the Meso and M22 IPL photorejuvenation!