Face Contour

Chubby Cheek/Face Fat | Double Chin | Weak Jawline | Sunken Cheeks | Undefined Facial Profile

Chubby cheek / Face fat

Almost every woman has likely voiced concerns about facial fat at some point in her life, especially after seeing a photo or comparing herself to others.

Achieving the ideal face shape often involves managing the balance between facial fat and bone structure. While altering facial bones is challenging, addressing facial fat can significantly enhance our appearance. Treatments can help redefine the jawline, reduce muscle volume, and create a more streamlined lower face and refined jawline.


  • Fat Accumulation Type of Chubby Cheeks
    Facial fat deposition can result from dietary habits and lifestyle factors. Aging-related metabolic slowdown may contribute to fat buildup in the body and cheeks.
  • Bony Chubby Cheeks
    Facial bones significantly influence facial appearance. The zygomatic bone (cheekbone) and mandible bone (jawbone) play crucial roles in determining face shape. Approximately one-third of face width is determined by the shape of the zygomatic arch, while the mandible bone influences lower face shape and face length. Research indicates that mandible bone growth continues between the ages of 25 and 40, with minimal growth observed in women (less than 1 mm) and more noticeable growth in men (3 to 6 mm).
  • Sagging Type of Chubby Cheeks
    Aging leads to collagen and fat loss in the body and face, resulting in reduced skin elasticity, fuller cheeks, and a less defined jawline. Consequently, the face may appear larger.
  • Enlarged Masseter (Chewing Muscle) Type of Chubby Cheeks
    Enlarged masseter muscles can contribute to a chubby cheek appearance. Frequent gum chewing or consumption of hard foods (e.g., betel nut) can hypertrophy the masseter muscle. Similarly, playing musical instruments that require constant masseter muscle contraction may have a similar effect.


  1. Chubby Cheek – Subcutaneous Fat Type:
    There are two types of fat layers under our skin: superficial and deep. Individuals with a thick layer of superficial fat, which extends across their body including the face, typically have a chubby appearance. Conversely, deep fat is situated at the SMAS layer and can be found beneath the orbicularis oculi muscle and deep fat pads of the inner face and cheeks. Deep fat provides facial volume and support, resulting in a rounder face shape, often referred to as a “baby face.”
  2. Chubby Cheek – Enlarged Masseter:
    The masseter muscle lies beneath the subcutaneous fat layer. You can determine if you have enlarged masseter muscles by clenching your teeth. If you observe bulging masseter muscles on the sides of your face, you likely have enlarged masseters.
  3. Sagging Cheeks Type:
    Loss of fat or collagen in the face diminishes facial support, leading to the appearance of wrinkles around the nose and mouth, sagging skin, and the accumulation of loose skin along the jawline.
  4. Bony Face Shape:
    Individuals with larger facial bones, such as those with square or rectangular face shapes, often appear to have larger faces.
Double Chin

No matter how attractive you may be or how enviable your facial features are, a double chin can instantly detract from your appearance

Double chin, medically known as submental fat, occurs due to the buildup of fat beneath the chin, resulting in the formation of an additional layer of fat around the neck. Additionally, as we age, the skin loses elasticity, leading to sagging skin beneath the chin, which can create a double chin or even multiple chins. Double chin alters the facial profile, shortens the appearance of the neck, and can impact one’s self-esteem.


  1. Poor Posture: Chronic slouching and forward neck bending, along with prolonged use of high pillows during sleep, can contribute to the development of a double chin. Similarly, constantly looking down at screens can compress the fat compartments below the chin, leading to the accumulation of fat in this area.
  2. Unhealthy Eating Habits: Inadequate chewing of food can result in weakened chin muscles and reduced muscle tone, potentially contributing to the formation of a double chin over time.
  3. Genetics: Some individuals may have a receding chin, causing the skin and tissue beneath the chin to be pushed inward toward the body and accumulate, resulting in a double chin.
  4. Excess Body Fat: Being overweight or having a high body fat percentage increases the likelihood of fat accumulation in various areas, including the chin, leading to the appearance of a double chin.
  5. Aging: With age, muscles lose mass and skin loses elasticity, making it more susceptible to sagging. This, coupled with the effects of gravity, can contribute to the development of a double chin. Additionally, weakened facial muscles may fail to provide adequate support to the chin muscles, further exacerbating the issue.
Weak Jawline

The jawline, extending from the ear to the chin, defines the lower face contour. Faces with strong jawlines exhibit a well-defined face contour and an uplifted appearance, whether viewed from the front or the side.

In youth, our jawlines tend to be sharper and more defined. However, with age, the sharpness diminishes, accompanied by the onset of issues like double chin and sagging or drooping skin along the jawline. These factors contribute to the transformation of a once-defined jawline into a weaker one, detracting from the youthful appearance and conveying a sense of fatigue and aging.


  • Overweight
    Excess weight gain, particularly in the face, chin, or neck areas, can lead to a softening of the jawline and a loss of facial definition.
  • Ageing
    The natural ageing process involves a reduction in collagen levels in the skin, as well as diminished structural support beneath the skin’s surface. This can result in sagging and drooping of the skin and underlying tissues, ultimately softening the jawline and causing the lower face to appear loose. Gravity further exacerbates this effect, causing the face to sag downwards.
  • Enlarged Masseter Muscles (Chewing Muscles)
    Overdeveloped masseter muscles can contribute to a square appearance in the lower part of the face and weaken the definition of the jawline.
  • Poor Posture
    Continuously hanging the head down and forward, often associated with looking at a phone screen, can weaken the platysma muscles and lead to a softened jawline. Additionally, breathing through the mouth instead of the nose can result in a receding chin, further contributing to a loss of jawline definition.
Sunken Cheeks

Cheeks play a crucial role in defining our facial profile; a rounded, fuller appearance contributes to a youthful look. Collagen production in our bodies reaches its peak around the age of 25 and gradually declines over time.

Recent scientific understanding suggests that aging is not solely characterized by sagging skin but also by the loss of volume and skin depression.Collagen, a vital protein in our bodies, provides structural support to tissues.

As collagen and subcutaneous fat diminish with age, the skin loses its structural support, resulting in uneven and depressed areas. Common sites affected by this loss of volume include the forehead, temples, eyelids, and cheeks.

From an aesthetic standpoint, plump cheeks contribute to a smooth facial contour and a youthful appearance. Conversely, sunken cheeks create an uneven facial contour and can make an individual appear tired, aged, sad, or stern.


Sunken cheeks primarily result from the aging process, which triggers a reduction in collagen production. This decrease in collagen diminishes the structural support of tissues, causing loss of volume and firmness in the skin, ultimately leading to drooping skin and cheek depression. Additionally, sunken cheeks can contribute to a sagging jawline.

Other factors that may contribute to sunken cheeks include:

  1. Wide zygomatic arch or high cheekbones
  2. Lack of fat tissue in the deep cheek layer:
  3. Injection failure
  4. Smoking or poor sleep patterns


  • Mild Sunken Cheeks: Typically observed in individuals aged 20 and above, mild sunken cheeks present as subtle depressions or concavities that may only be noticeable from specific angles and under certain lighting conditions.
  • Moderate Sunken Cheeks: Occurring between the ages of 25 and 35, moderate sunken cheeks feature more pronounced depressions in the cheek area. Additionally, individuals may notice depressions developing in other facial areas such as the temples. These features become more apparent under lighting.
  • Severe Sunken Cheeks: Characterized by significant depressions across multiple facial areas, including the cheeks, severe sunken cheeks may also result in more prominent cheekbones. These depressions are readily visible and contribute to an overall hollowed appearance in the face.
Undefined Facial Profile

A youthful appearance often includes a gentle convex contour in the upper cheek area. However, as we age, our cheeks may begin to deflate and descend, leading to a loss of volume and contour.

Apple cheeks refer to the soft tissue and fat located approximately in the cheek region between the lower eyelid (approximately 2cm below) and the tip of the nose. They appear larger and bulge out when we smile or make facial expressions, resembling the shape of an apple.

In the natural aging process, deflated cheeks often emerge as a common aging concern after wrinkles around the eye area.


Inborn factors: Individuals with sunken cheekbones often lack adequate facial support, typically characterized by wide and flat cheekbones, a protruded upper jaw, and prominent tear troughs and nasolabial folds. This condition may be present from birth or develop during the bone development stage.

Age-related factor: Our apple cheeks are fullest and most plump during youth. However, as we age, the natural loss of collagen, fat, and soft tissue gradually leads to a deflation of the cheek region. This results in sagging and sunken cheeks, which can emphasize the appearance of tiredness, tear troughs, and aging.

A:TriFX Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling
B:Trilift DMSt™
C:TriPollar RadioFrequency
F:Herbal formulas: aimed at toning the body’s health and beauty from the inside out.

The first step in anti-aging is not to focus on taking care of the skin, the layer of 2mm. There are several levels of anti-aging of the skin, from the outside to the inside are the epidermis, the dermis, the fat layer, the fascia layer, the muscle layer and the bones, from which you can see the 2mm layer of skin is not the most important, cause anti-aging,the first step is to strengthen the bones, followed by muscle development, then the fascia without inflammation, followed by fat full, and finally the skin is moisturized collagen-rich, so we are to help you from the inside out maintenance, we have Chinese herbs to tonify the liver and kidneys to strengthen the muscles and bones, and then there is the TriLift lifting to exercise the muscles, and finally the Meso and M22 IPL photorejuvenation!